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3/4 days post op

I’m writing this the evening of Ellie’s 4th day post op. Things are still overall good, but not without struggles. The good news- she has a great appetite, readily drinking water, readily taking her medication, allows me to ice, her incision looks really good and she can get up easily (she can get down on her own, but more tricky) and moves around quite well- though you can tell she’s sore and gets tired easily which is to be expected.

breakfast time!

The not so good news is we continue to have pretty bad potty issues, I’m back to thinking it’s incontinence as she’s very much dribbling, but also sometimes has full on accidents- she has also made no effort to squat outside in the past 2 days which makes me worried. It’s odd because she voluntarily gets up to see if I’m making food or when visitors have come (2 in 2 days, we have been very quiet), so she’s not so uncomfortable to get up, it’s odd she wouldn’t get up to potty. Also no poop yet, which I’m not overly worried about after reading around, but I did go ahead and give her some pumpkin since she has been eating regularly from the get go.

The other odd thing is she refuses to lay on her bed or even the carpet now. At night she goes to the shower (which is close to my bed) and all today she was trying to find patches of the cement floor to lay on. I ended up pulling up one of my runners and now that is her go to spot. She doesn’t seem in pain, she falls asleep readily and when awake seems fine, but obviously something must be making her uncomfortable. any ideas? She’s not panting or anything. She does have a decent bruise running from the bottom of her incision down her belly where they shaved her. I’ll admit I’m a bit at a loss.

her current favorite napping spot. Also please ignore the stained cement- old shop flooring.

Lastly, my dad came to visit today and Ellie was very happy to see him, but after they said hello she started crying a little and looked incredibly uncomfortable. I let her outside and she threw up. I’m pretty sure she was just over excited- after she came in she drank water and ate a carrot with zero issue, and she’s had dinner without issue as well, still upsetting and very out of character. I blame the medicine. sigh.

I do have an email into the vet, but haven’t heard back yet. I can honestly deal with the incontinence if it’s caused by the meds, that’s temporary and I would much rather her be peeing than not at all, carpets can be cleaned. I do worry about the not trying to squat- I attempted to put the harness on today, but she wouldn’t move at all so I gave up pretty quick on that- I hope it’s just general soreness and that she didn’t already tweak something. We have been very quiet since she’s been home, she doesn’t have to maneuver any steps to get outside, and doesn’t have to walk more than 10 ft to get to lawn, and there have been a few visitors, but not excessive. any advice is always welcome, I know I have seen you guys say the recovery is always a roller coaster and that it is, lets hope tomorrow goes a little smoother 🙂

Meeka being extra cute for the camera to end on a high note.

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