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Ellies Home!

I just took my first full breath in about 48 hours. The hospital was fantastic with letting me know when Ellie went in, when she came out how she went through the night. I only heard positive things (except for an upset tummy that was resolved with an anti-nausea), but I couldn’t really imagine her state and kept ebbing towards the negative side. To add insult to injury it snowed alllllll day today so I was stressed about how she would do in the snow (which is so weird as Ellie would live in the snow if she could).

When I went to the hospital my mind strained trying to guess how she would look/feel. So when I see her walking through the door with no assistance, I was utterly flabbergasted. I about fell out of my chair when she laid down on her own and then stood back up! The resident said she was a great patient and that she was the favorite for many of the students.

I ended up borrowing my mom’s Subaru which has a much lower clearance than my Xterra. I was most nervous about loading her in and out of the car, but it proved very easy.

this evening has been overall smooth, she readily ate her dinner and medication and drank quite a bit of water. She settled down pretty easily, and I was able to ice her incision. She did end up having one little accident, I’m not sure if I missed her signals or if she was just still super drugged up.

she did have 2 stumbles which I blame myself for not being there to steady her. I’m still not completely sure how much assistance to give her, she doesn’t love me helping, but obviously needs a little help.

Overall, I’m just so happy to have her home, and so thankful that she’s doing as well as she is. I know we have a long road ahead, but this is one huge one down.

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