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Bit of a Rollercoaster Week

Ellie had her first physical therapy appointment this past Tuesday. Oncology had a peek at her and removed her sutures. YAY!

In her PT they did TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) cervical paraspinals around her neck, as well as PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy. This combined with massage is a nice little spa day for Ellie which is very much appreciated as she’s building up all these new muscles. They also worked with her on some new stretches and exercises that I’ve been sent home with.

I had a really nice chat with Ellie’s oncologist on the upcoming chemotherapy and she also got the test results back on the tumor and it was confirmed osteosarcoma. This was oddly a punch in the gut. Obviously I was planning on it, and I thought I was prepared, but I guess it was the last of my diehard silver lining hopes getting obliterated that it was a lesser cancer or something completely different where even if she had to go through chemotherapy her projected lifespan would be measured in years instead of months. I try not to think about that, but it hit home again.

Since Tuesday it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster- I started tapering off the Ellie’s Gabapentin, from 300mg 3x a day to 300 mg 2x a day and then stopping. It’s not going great there- she was obviously uncomfortable the first evening that she didn’t have any so I gave her 300mg, and again later this morning she was uncomfortable with me around her incision as I was doing warm compress and actually whimpered when she was standing afterward, not sure what that was at whether it be the incision, neck pain, hip pain, leg pain? It doesn’t help that she also itched and nibbled at the lower part of her incision, no bleeding or broken skin it just looks like a new bruise at the bottom, and was obviously tender, so I went ahead and popped on the ole t-shirt again and gave her 300mg gabapentin. I’m really hoping that’s the issue.

you can see the redness (and this was before she got at it again making it worse)…that is if you can get past the cuteness overload :p

My brain won’t let me stop at that though, as I’m struggling with the exercises/massages I was sent home to do. She’s an absolute star at her neck side bends and balancing on uneven ground. But she pretty much refuses to army crawl, and seems really really uncomfortable when I work on her back end. We are supposed to be doing hip stretches and finger rolls twice a day. Her face gets tight, and she pulls her leg back in on the stretches, and looks away or moves her body away a little while doing the finger rolls. It freaks me out, because I’m not a physical therapist, I don’t think I was stretching too far, but maybe I am going way too far? Or is it a hurt so good situation? same with the finger rolls- anyone who uses a foam roller knows how painful breaking up the myofascial can be, but man does it feel better when you are through… with that said I’m worried I went too hard there too and maybe now she’s bruised on her back from my grubby fingers. Bleh! It’s really unfair that dogs can sniff out LITERAL CANCER, but not tell us dumb dumbs if we have gone too far.

This is mostly just a vent, and to be transparent with where my head is at with all of this. I have an email to the PT to get some clarification and hoping they might be able to give me some hands on advice when Ellie goes in Tuesday for her first chemotherapy (cheers to going to a university where all the things are in one place!). Oh yeah- no wonder I’m emotionally exhausted, just when you start to get over the anxiety of the amputation (and that’s only if things have all gone right), you get to prepare yourself for the chemotherapy and have another bout of monitoring to see how she’s handling it. I know it’s usually fine, but I refuse to not be prepared for as many outcomes as possible.

Wow this is a downer of a blog post isn’t it? It hasn’t been all bad, actually very little of it is has been bad. Case in point, I had to order something on amazon and since I was there I couldn’t help myself and got Ellie a life vest. How freaking cute is she?!? She was a good swimmer before all this, so I’m really excited to take her to the lake this summer and still enjoy the water 🙂 🙂 😀

I cannot. It’s simply too cute.

She has been getting better and better at her balance, getting up and down, and her endurance. We are still at very short walks- probably going about a block round trip, but it’s definitely progress. We’ve also started learning some new tricks to keep the brain engaged! The current one is “Touch” she got to touch my hand really quick, and we are starting to work on her ringing a bell 😀 . Lastly she has easily figured out how to get her chew on- which is good because I went a little crazy and got an assortment of collagen sticks (I guess they are a longer lasting version of a bully stick), cow tails, a pig femur, and cow hooves! That combined with her Yak bars she going to be downright spoiled, and I’m here for it!!

“Yak bars are so delicious!!!!” – Ellie

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I have read countless times that people were caught blindsided that their dogs had cancer, and even more so that it was a intensely aggressive cancer. I am absolutely in that group. I took Ellie to the vet on March 9, 2023 95% confident that she had just strained something in her front leg. She had been favoring it for about 2 weeks, but was still full of energy and had a veracious appetite. She was her same happy self, but just tweaked something…or so I thought.

The vet was pretty confident that it was osteosarcoma based on xrays alone, and we chose not to do a needle aspiration since the bone had deteriorated so much she was worried about causing more damage. Ellie was put on pain meds (Rimadyl and Gabapentin) and put on strict exercise restrictions since she was at a large risk of fracture. We also got chest xrays that thankfully showed no signs of metastasis and her blood work came back looking good.

I reached out to 4 oncologists to try to get an appointment as soon as possible, I also am very lucky in the respect that I live in the same town as CSU which has one of the best Veterinary Schools in the nation. I reached out to them to see about possible clinical trials for Ellie.

On Monday the 20th and 21st I met with 2 different oncologists and received very similar news about Ellie’s condition. From their explanations I opted to proceed with Ellie getting her leg amputated ASAP. This would eliminate the main source of her pain, and allow her to be a dog again since currently she is not allowed off leash outside due to the fracture risk. Thankfully, there was also a trial she qualified for that I am very comfortable with and thankful that it will allow me to do all I can for her without going into debt.

Her amputation is scheduled for Tuesday March 28, 2023. I am extremely anxious about it since it is a front leg, and she is a giant breed. I have always been a quality of quantity animal owner and even though I know *most* dogs handle the surgery well, there are plenty of horror stories and I’m terrified of being in that group. With that said, she deserves the chance to have more time.

I have been preparing for her recovery. I don’t have any steps she needs to go up or down to go potty, I do have concrete floors but they are mostly covered in rugs. When I get anxious I try to focus on what I can control so I went out and bought a comfy cone, a sling, and a ramp for my Xterra. I’m most anxious about her having to get in and out of the Xterra, it’s not like I can easily pick her up. I might need to rely on friends and family to help me out in the beginning (bless all of you who have already volunteered to help!), but hopefully she’ll adjust to the ramp- I got an extra long one to hopefully make it manageable for her.

Any advice is welcome on things that could help her moving forward, I’ll give an update when I can!

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The Journey of Ellie the Great Pyrenees Mix is brought to you by Tripawds.